Pietrzak Henry (Hank)
WO1 Henry Pietrzak was a potential VHPA member who died after his tour in Vietnam on 11/08/1976 at the age of 24.9
Newport, TN
Flight Class 71-5
Date of Birth 12/10/1951
Served in the U.S. Army
This information was provided by SSN search
More detail on this person: He is buried in a cemetary at the intersection of Fox Cemetery Rd.
and Hwy 411 in Sevier County, TN, a few miles southwest of Newport (Cocke County), TN.
For what it's worth: my class was very struck by the fact that Mr. Pietrazk survived a tour in Vietnam and then died less than two months after getting married upon his return. What a tragedy.
From: Bradley W. (Brad) Bull
This information was last updated 05/18/2016
Please send additions or corrections to: Hans J. Underwood, webmaster 13thahc.com
Date posted on this site: 01/20/2024
Copyright: © 1997- Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
For what it's worth: my class was very struck by the fact that Mr. Pietrazk survived a tour in Vietnam and then died less than two months after getting married upon his return. What a tragedy.
From: Bradley W. (Brad) Bull
This information was last updated 05/18/2016
Please send additions or corrections to: Hans J. Underwood, webmaster 13thahc.com
Date posted on this site: 01/20/2024
Copyright: © 1997- Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association