134th Assault Helicopter Company Roster Analytics

                                           Brothers Residence by State/Territory                                                             Military Occupational Skill           Dates Served

Roster Analytics

The roster statistics collected over the years are now available. If you notice any inaccuracies, please contact me so I can make the necessary corrections. These figures reflect the current residential status, Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), and other relevant statistics for unit members. For those who served in Korea, the MOS is not listed, so please update me with your MOS during your tour. Keeping the roster updated is a collective effort. If you see "No data available" next to a category, click on the category name to go to that page, then return and refresh. Chances are the data has been updated since your last visit. I am continually updating the roster pages with new information.

In Summary, listed are a total of 49 states and 2 territories. Vermont was excluded as it has no brother residences. The roster currently includes brothers listed, with brothers providing mailing addresses, 395 having valid email addresses, 201 listing Spouse/Partner names and 166 listiing cell phones.

Please continue to keep your Unit Roster Record current.
Thank you.
Alabama 21 Maine 2 Oregon 14 Administration Served in 67-68
Alaska 4 Maryland 7 Pennsylvania 21 Armament Served in 68-69
Arizona 12 Massachusetts 3 Rhode Island 1 Crewchief Served in 70-71
Arkansas 8 Michigan 25 South Carolina 13 Door Gunner
California 38 Minnesota 8 South Dakota 1 OPS
Colorado 19 Mississippi 2 Tennessee 10 Pilots
Connecticut 5 Missouri 10 Texas 58 POL KIA
Delaware 2 Montana 2 Utah 6 Served in Korea DAT
Florida 41 Nebraska 4 Virginia 18 Unspecified
Georgia 23 Nevada 8 Washington 23 Line Crew
Hawaii 1 New Hampshire 4 West Virginia 1 PE Team
Idaho 6 New Jersey 7 Wisconsin 12 Maintenance
Illinois 14 New Mexico 3 Wyoming 2
Indiana 8 New York 18
Iowa 9 North Carolina 19 Territories Active Emails 394
Kansas 3 North Dakota 4 Puerto Rico 1 Spouse Names 203
Kentucky 7 Ohio 22 APO Korea 1 Cell Phones 166
Louisiana 8 Oklahoma 10
   =      Brothers

Last Modified: Sunday February 9th, 2025