February 2024

February 29th 2024 And so we wrap up another month while still working on the aircraft pages.
February 27th 2024 I've been working on the aircraft pages the past couple of days. Still more to do. I added the March 2024 update page.
February 24th 2024 Wrote a brief history about our Unit Rosters' origin and added it to each of the roster pages as well as the LZ Rockville page.
February 22nd 2024 Been working on the obituary pages for the past few days. Today I added a brief roster history statement on the Roster Menu page. It can be viewed by mouse hovering over the "The men of the 134th AHC carried the heavy weight of freedom" statement beneath the photo.
February 18th 2024 Modified the Brief History of 238 page.
February 14th 2024 Added Joel Harris and Stan Heath obituaries to the LastFlightCheck pages.
February 13th 2024 Updated the source code for all the AircraftonDisplay pages.
February 11th 2024 Finished updating the ThenNNow pages.
February 9th 2024 Still working on the ThenNNow pages. Finished pages 1-3 and 5.
February 8th 2024 Updated the ThenNNow menu pages as well as starting to review all the Then N Now pages. Additionally, I made source code corrections on the Roster pages.
February 5th 2024 Made cosmetic changes to all History pages. While I was there, I made some coding corrections. It's always good to review source code.
February 4th 2024 Updated source code on the AWORD page. Updated aircraft 66-16177 page. Rewrote the History Contributors page.
February 3rd 2024 Updated source code on the 134thAHCpatches page.
February 2nd 2024 Added Frank Oathoudt's name to the LastFlightCheck page for 2024.
February 1st 2024 Finished adding name tags to all LZ Columbus Reunion photos.
Last Modified: Wednesday May 29th, 2024